A guy here felt called to pray in various towns.
So he’s left to do it, even though he doesn’t have the money and doesn’t think it will be safe.
He had just come from Nigeria by bus.
He paid for the trip, and went to get a bite.
But then the bus filled up, so they unloaded his bags, and left without him.
He lost his money.
But when he eventually got here, he found the same people just sitting around: an armed gang had waylaid them and cleaned them out.
So he thanks God for his protection

But things don’t happen like I expect here.
I was throwing up bile last week, a novel experience.
And a guy who lives with me asked his supporters in Zambia to pray about it.
He said it was a real challenge and blessing to them that a foreigner was here and throwing up.
I’m not sure that’s quite how I intended to bless people...
But this guy used to be a successful drug dealer, and was never caught.
So I wont give any pictures of him.
He prays about everything he does, and is working with a partner on projects that sometimes seem impossible.
Though the partner has decided not to return, because of the war
We went around to a friend from Nigeria, and said:
“We really need your prayers, because our landlord is forcing us out of the house and we have nowhere to go.”
We didn’t have a lot of faith, since houses are hard to get here.
Our friend responded “Wow — this is an answer to prayer.”
We had been digging our house out after the rain, and trying to stop it falling down.
On seeing this our friend had been close to forcing us out himself, and said “If God can answer my prayers to kick you out;
he can easily find you another house.”
It’s still a big issue though, as we haven’t yet found one
I canceled a trip to the north, incase the rebels came.
But I went to the east a few weeks ago.
And it pushed me to think:
“Somebody would have to be crazy to come here.”
I’ve found life harder than I expected, and even simple things difficult to do.
Like cooking tea in the dark.
These things teach me my strength has to come from God.
Though I’ve spent some of the last few weeks resting, mostly due to sickness and heat stress
The rebels were more active in the east a few days ago.
And it looked like they might come here.
Some people I trust from Switzerland included me in their evacuation plans, and they act from past experience.
But there’s been no new fighting for the last 2 days.
So we no longer expect them.
But if they do come, I’ll email you again when I reach the home